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Yes! We have a dedicated team ready to help you with any requirements you have. Please see our concierge service.

Normally you can expect to hear back from acts within 48 hours. Sometimes it can take a while to hear back from acts if they are away on contracts, on holiday, unavailable due to sickness etc. If you don't hear back within 48 hours please contact us below and we will do our best to help.

If you are an artist looking to be featured on Last Minute Musicians, please take the tour to find out how it works, or skip straight to the register page.

Our search results are rotating constantly. Every 30 minutes our system chooses a random UK postcode and then orders the search results by distance from that postcode. For more information please see our help article. You may also want to consider our other advertising options.

If you are an artist you can join our UK Entertainment Directory. We also have various advertising options for existing members and options for advertising to members (including guest posts).

Online Chat

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7am-5.30pm Monday to Friday

Please note the chat conversation may be recorded for training and quality purposes. For more information on how we handle your personal data please visit our privacy policy.

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Need help booking? Please include the name of the act you're interested in and the date, location & timings of your event.
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If you are enquiring about a charity event, please read this message.
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